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    [Discontinued] G PROJECT × PEPEE BOTTLE LOTION URUOI+ £198.00

    Japanese Name: G PROJECT × PEPEE ボトルローション URUOI+

    G PROJECT × PEPEEのスーパーヒアルロン酸配合ローションです。
    A natural viscosity that is fully emollient and not sticky.
    It is easy to wipe dry after use.
    Enjoy it alone or with a partner.

    ◎ Made in Japan
    ◎ Extremely easy to erase
    ◎ Hyaluronic acid
    ◎ Water soluble
    ◎ 195ml

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  • Brand: ,
    [Sold Out] G PROJECT x PEPEE Lubricant - Cold (220ml) £135.00

    Made in Japan, G PROJECT x PEPEE No.1 Cold Lotion.
    Want to have a cool and refreshing experience? This new cool and refreshing model is perfect for you! It's washable, no pulling, just wipe dry with tissue paper, suitable for masturbators and masturbators.

    ◎ Made in Japan
    ◎ Colourless and odourless
    ◎ Coolness
    ◎ Washable
    ◎ Low viscosity, no pulling
    ◎ Water soluble
    ◎ 220ml

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  • Brand: ,
    [Sold Out] G PROJECT x PEPEE Lubricant - Waterless (220ml) £128.00

    Made in Japan, G PROJECT x PEPEE Lotion is a dreamy combination.
    Clean, no-wash, no-stretch, just wipe dry with a paper towel, perfect for masturbators and masturbation.

    ◎ Made in Japan
    ◎ Colourless and odourless
    ◎ Washable
    ◎ Low viscosity, no pulling
    ◎ Water soluble
    ◎ 220ml

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  • Fragrance Free] Sakai Ona Waterless Wash 370ml £118.00

    Japanese Name: さいおな無香ローション 洗い不要&高潤滑

    Made in Japan by NPG. Highly lubricating but water-free! It's very smooth and refreshing, with little pulling, and great staying power. It's a big one! It has a capacity of 370ml, which is very useful! In addition, the ingredients are cosmetic grade, no fragrance and no perfume, it is completely safe to use on human body, just wipe it with tissue paper, no sticky feeling, even if it is stained on different places, no need to wash it, it is very convenient.

    ◎ Made in Japan
    ◎ Medium Viscosity
    ◎ Washable
    ◎ Water-soluble and long-lasting
    ◎ Can be used for massage or lubrication

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  • Floral Scent] Sakai Ona Waterless Wash 370ml £118.00

    Japanese Name: さいおなローション 洗い不要&高潤滑

    Made in Japan by Toykul Japan, this is a high lubrication type, but is non-washable! It's very smooth and refreshing, with little pulling, and it has a strong staying power. It's a big one! The volume is 370ml, so it's very useful! In addition, the ingredients are cosmetic grade, unscented, fragrance-free, and completely safe for human use. Just use a tissue to wipe it off gently without a sticky feeling, and even if it is stained on different places, it will not be washed away, which is very convenient.

    ◎ Made in Japan
    ◎ Medium Viscosity
    ◎ Scent of flowers
    ◎ Washable
    ◎ Water-soluble and long-lasting
    ◎ Can be used for massage or lubrication

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  • EVOLOTION Extreme Waterless 360ml £145.00

    Made in Nakajima, Japan, 20 years old shop, medium viscosity, no water wash, very refreshing and smooth when using, and also strong staying power, its capacity is also 360ml, very useful. The ingredients are cosmetic grade and completely safe to use on human body. After use, you only need to use tissue paper to gently lather it up without any sticky feeling, which is very convenient.

    ◎ Made in Japan
    ◎ Medium Viscosity
    ◎ Washable
    ◎ Water-soluble and long-lasting
    ◎ Can be used for massage or lubrication

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  • Brand: ,
    G PROJECT x PEPEE LOTION Ultra Washable £155.00


    ★The wise man's system is simple★★

    Designed for those who don't want to get depressed in "Sage Mode", this is a second rinse lubricant! Simply wipe it off when you're done, it's perfect for day-to-day or novice lubbers.
    *Painting: Miyama Zero

    ◎ Made in Japan
    ◎ Washable
    ◎ Extremely easy to erase
    ◎ Colourless and odourless
    ◎ Water soluble
    ◎ 200ml

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  • Men's Max Fitty Lotion Deep GEL No Wash Lotion 180ml £118.00

    Japanese Name: メンズマックス フィッティローション ディープジェル

    The new episode of Unique Silhouettes is a new feature film.

    Men's Max high quality lubricant, Fitty Lotion series in stackable quad shape, green colour is water soluble and non-washable, refreshing and easy to use! Provides a silky smooth texture and is easy to clean, can be used on a variety of adult products and aeroplane cups, the ingredients are safe and are listed in the Japanese cosmetic grade.

    ◎ Made in Japan
    ◎ No-wash lubricant, suitable for those who prefer freshness or slight stretching.
    ◎ Medium moisturising
    ◎ Water soluble
    ◎ Slightly aromatic, low to medium viscosity

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  • Men's Max Energy Lotion Gel 210ml £128.00

    Japanese Name: メンズマックス エナジーローション ジェル 210ml

    A unique combination of 3 ingredients for the Otico's Yakki.

    Men's Max is more than just a regular medium to high viscosity lubricant. The Energy Lotion series is a one-off blend of three powerful natural herbs, Citrulline, Guarana, and Arginine, which provide a silky smooth texture and are suitable for use in various erotic toys and as an in-between-sex lubricant.

    Citrulline is known as an important ingredient for male enhancement. The intake of Citrulline can enhance the blood flow throughout the body, so that the whole body to increase blood flow and blood vessels open, men so that the sponge body becomes easy to congestion and enlargement.

    Guarana was primarily used as a stimulant and analgesic in the indigenous regions of the rainforests. Today Guarana is widely available, and in the United States it is considered to have the effect of awakening the mind and recovering from fatigue, as well as having the effect of increasing physical endurance and strengthening the body.

    Arginine has many effects, such as enhancing energy, increasing hormone production, improving immunity, strengthening the heart and blood vessels, strengthening muscles and anti-ageing effects. The most attractive of these effects is its ability to improve function and increase hormone production.

    The efficacy of the above 3 ingredients has been medically proven and certified by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan to be effective in increasing sexual pleasure, and is natural and safe with no glycerin.

    ◎ Made in Japan
    ◎ Non-rinse type
    ◎ Contains 3 natural herbal ingredients.
    ◎ Water soluble
    ◎ Transparent and odourless

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  • Brand: 
    Gold Proportion Lubricant (145ml) for Masterpiece £88.00

    Japanese Name: ホール専用ローション-黄金比率ブレンド-

    It took Rends 2 years of research and development, and a variety of formulations and experiments to come up with a lubricant that is "truly the best fit".
    It has the consistency of a standard lubricant, and the convenience of a "no-wash" lubricant that is thick and blends easily into skin and mucous membranes. It is the most suitable lubricant for masturbation soft gel of any hardness or structure, as it does not dry out easily and has strong water-control properties.

    ◎ Made in Japan
    :No need to wash (just gently lather with tissue paper)
    ◎ Antibacterial and deodorant
    ◎ Moisturises and does not dry out easily
    ◎ Push nozzle
    ◎ 145ml

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